Monday, 11 March 2013

TSO DELETE command

TSO DELETE command:

Used to delete a dataset.

Delete a member: DELETE datasetname(member)
Delete a data set: DELETE datasetname

 READY  delete 'm0001.testfile'                     
 IDC0550I ENTRY (A) M0001.TESTFILE DELETED          

 Function -                                                                     
   The DELETE command is used to delete either VSAM objects or NONVSAM         
   data sets from a VSAM or ICF catalog and to free space occupied by          
   the objects or data sets. Also the free space of VSAM data components       
   can be overwritten with zeros. The DELETE command also deletes              
   GDG bases and VSAM USERCATALOGS.                                            
 Syntax -                                                                      
          DELETE    ('entryname/password' ...)                                 
                    PURGE | NOPURGE                                            
                  ERASE | NOERASE                                           
                  SCRATCH | NOSCRATCH                                       
                  FORCE | NOFORCE                                           
                  RECOVERY | NORECOVERY                                      
                  MASK | NOMASK                                             
                  CLUSTER | SPACE | USERCATALOG |                           
                      ALIAS | GENERATIONDATAGROUP | PAGESPACE |              
                      NONVSAM | PATH | ALTERNATEINDEX | TRUENAME |          
                      NVR | VVR | VOLUMEENTRY | LIBRARYENTRY                
Defaults - NOPURGE     

Following are the abbreviations that can be used:

 DELETE               DEL                 
 PURGE                PRG                 
 FORCE                FRC                 
 NOFORCE              NFRC                
 NOPURGE              NPRG                
 NOERASE              NERAS               
 NOSCRATCH            NSCR                
 RECOVERY             RCVRY                
 NORECOVERY           NRCVRY              
 SPACE                SPC                 
 USERCATALOG          UCAT                
 PAGESPACE            PGSPC               
 NONVSAM              NVSAM                
 ALTERNATEINDEX       AIX                 
 TRUENAME             TNAME               
Operands -                                               
           - Specifies the name of entry to be deleted. 
         - Name of entry to be deleted.                          
         - Password for password-protected cluster, page space,  
           catalog, alternate index, or path.                    

         - Specifies the name of catalog containing the entries to be    
         - Name of catalog containing the entries to be deleted.         
         - Master level password of the catalog.                         
Required - 'catname'                                                     

         - Specifies the location of the object to be deleted.           
'dname'  - Name of the DD statement that identifies either the volume    
           containing the object to be deleted or the data set to be     
           deleted.  Can be used when we know the DDNAME to be deleted.
FORCE    - The object is to be deleted even though not empty.

NOFORCE  - The object is not to be deleted if it is not empty.         
PURGE    - The object is to be deleted regardless of expiration date.  
NOPURGE  - The object is not to be deleted before expiration date.      
ERASE    - The data component of the cluster is to be overwritten      
           with binary zeros.                                          
NOERASE  - The data component of the cluster is not to be overwritten  
           with binary zeros.                                          
SCRATCH  - The non-VSAM data set being deleted from the catalog is to  
           be removed from the VTOC of the volume on which it resides.

MASK     - The entryname is a MASK filter used to select a range 
           of catalog entries to be deleted.                     
NOMASK   - the entryname is the name of a catalog entry to be    
CLUSTER  - The entry to be deleted is the entry for a cluster.   

SPACE    - The entry to be deleted is the entry for a data space.          
           Required if applicable.                                          
         - The entry to be deleted is the entry for a user catalog.        
           Required if applicable.                                         
ALIAS    - The entry to be deleted is the entry for an alias.              
         - The entry to be deleted is the entry for a generation data      
         - The entry to be deleted is the entry for a page space.          
NONVSAM  - The entry to be deleted is the entry for a non-VSAM data        
PATH     - The entry to be deleted is the entry for a path.                
ALTERNATEINDEX -                                                            
           The entry to be deleted is the entry for an                     
NVR      - The entry to be deleted is a non-VSAM volume record.      
           required if applicable.                                   
VVR      - The entry to be deleted is a VSAM volume record.          
           Required if applicable.                                   
         - The entry to be deleted is a library entry.               
           Required if deleting a library entry.                     
         - The entry to be deleted is a volume entry.                
           Required if deleting a volume entry.                       

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