Monday, 11 March 2013

FTP(part 9) - FTP file transfer commands

FTP file transfer commands

Use the APpend subcommand to append a local data set to a remote host.


local_data_set :The name of the data set on your local host to be appended.
destination_file: The name of the file on the remote host to which your data set is appended. If the destination file does not already exist at the remote host, a new file is created.

Use the DELETE subcommand to delete a file on the remote host.

Delete filename

Used to copy a file from the remote host to your local host.

                      '-local_file-'  '-(--REPLACE-' 

foreign_file: Specifies the name of the file to be retrieved from the remote host.
local_file: Specifies the name of the local file created as a result of the Get subcommand.

If the current local working directory is a PDS, local_file is the name of the member in the PDS.

If the current local working directory is a data set prefix, the local file is a sequential data set with the local_file name appended to the current local working directory. 

If local filename is not specified then the file is created on the local server with same name as that on the remote server.
Used to delete multiple files.

         V              | 

foreign_file : Specifies the name of the file to be deleted on the remote host.

Because more than one file can be deleted with the MDelete subcommand, the foreign_fileparameter of the MDelete subcommand can be repeated many times, with each foreign_fileseparated by a blank space.
Use the MGet subcommand to copy multiple files from a remote host to your local host and create a corresponding number of local files.

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Foreign_file: Specifies the name of the file to be retrieved from the remote host.

Because more than one file can be copied with the MGet subcommand, the foreign_fileparameter of the MGet subcommand can be repeated many times, with each foreign_fileseparated by a blank space.

You can use special characters for pattern matching when specifying the foreign_file with the MGet subcommand.

Mget abc* à will get all the files starting with abc
 MPut subcommand to copy multiple data sets from your local host to the remote host.

         V                | 

Local_data_set: Specifies the name of the file on your local host being sent to the remote host.

Because more than one data set can be copied with the MPut subcommand, thelocal_data_set parameter of this subcommand can be repeated many times, with eachlocal_data_set separated by a blank space.

You can use the asterisk (*) character for pattern matching when specifying the local_data_set with the MPut subcommand.

 PUt subcommand to copy data sets from your local host to the remote host.


local_file: Specifies the name of the file on your local host being sent to the remote host.
foreign_file: Specifies the name that the delivered data set is given on the remote host. If the foreign_file name is not specified, the foreign_file name is the same as the local_file name.

Use the REName subcommand to rename a file, data set


NOte : All the information about FTP and the syntax diagrams are taken from the site
Things are put here in simplified words and Many commands that are not used normally are omitted.
Refer the website in case you need more details.

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