Monday, 11 March 2013

FTP(part 8)- FTP preparation subcommands

FTP environment preparation commands:

Use the ASCII subcommand to direct FTP to translate outgoing files into ASCII before sending them to the other host, and to convert incoming files from ASCII to the file system code page before storing them.

There are no parameters for this subcommand.
Use the image transfer type to transfer files between client and server without any translation of the file data. When using the image transfer type, data is sent as contiguous bits packed into 8-bit bytes. 

There are no parameters for this subcommand.

Use the BLock subcommand to set the data transfer mode to block mode. This is equivalent to specifying the MOde B subcommand. 
Use the MOde subcommand to define how bits of data are to be transmitted.


B : Sets the block mode. In block mode, data is transmitted as a series of data blocks, preceded by one or more header bytes. Block mode preserves the logical record boundaries of the data set or file. When MOde is set to B, the data transfer type must be EBCDIC.
Specifying MOde B is equivalent to specifying the BLock subcommand.

C :Sets the compressed mode. In compressed mode, data is transmitted as a series of data blocks, preceded by one or more header bytes. Compressed mode preserves the logical record boundaries of the data set or file. In compressed mode, data is transmitted without repetitive characters and blanks. When MOde is set to C, the data transfer type must be EBCDIC.
Specifying MOde C is equivalent to specifying the COMpress subcommand.

S: Sets the stream mode. In stream mode, data is transmitted as a stream of bytes. Any data transfer type can be used with stream mode. Stream mode is efficient because data block information is not transferred
Specifying MOde S is equivalent to specifying the STREam subcommand.

The EBcdic subcommand enables you to change the data transfer type to EBCDIC.

There are no parameters for this subcommand.

Use the COMpress subcommand to set the data transfer mode to compressed mode. This is equivalent to specifying the MOde C subcommand.

There are no parameters for this subcommand.
Use the FIle subcommand to set the file structure to File. This is equivalent to specifying the STRucture F subcommand.

There are no parameters for this subcommand.

Use the RECord subcommand to set the file structure to record. This is equivalent to specifying the STRucture R subcommand.

There are no parameters for this subcommand.

Use the STRucture subcommand to set the file structure.


File: Sets the file structure to File. When the STRucture value is File, the file is sent as a continuous sequence of data bytes.

Record: Sets the file structure to Record. When the STRucture value is Record, the file is sent as a series of records.

Use the STREam subcommand to set the data transfer mode to stream mode. This is equivalent to specifying the MOde S subcommand.

There are no parameters for this subcommand.
Use the PROMpt subcommand to toggle interactive prompting for MDelete, MGet, and MPut commands. Prompting is the default action unless the FTP session was started with the -i option, which turns off interactive prompting

NOte : All the information about FTP and the syntax diagrams are taken from the site
Things are put here in simplified words and Many commands that are not used normally are omitted.
Refer the website in case you need more details.

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