Sunday 10 March 2013

Using Labels while browsing or editing a File

Establishing Labels:

While browsing thru a big code sometimes we need to same piece of code again and again.
We can ease this my making use of Labels.
We set labels on the line numbers and then locate the Labels whenever we want to go to that piece of code.

Labels are set by using "."

Example: In the below example we create a label named 'M' on the line 16.

XX00       M0001.D00.TEST.JCL(TESTJCL1) - 03.09           Columns 00001 00072
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
000011 Y                                                                      
000012 30                                                                     
000013 DUSHYANT                                                                
.M     JADAV                                                                  
000015 67000                                                                  

To find this label, we use the locate command.,ie LOCATE .M or L .M

 XX00       M0001.D00.TEST.JCL(TESTJCL1) - 03.09           Columns 00001 00072
 Command ===> L .M                                             Scroll ===> CSR 

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